Master Your Health Podcast
Hosted by Amanda Meixner & Christopher Rocchio

New Episodes!
The Master Your Health Podcast is about more than just physical fitness and conscious eating. We aim to optimize, so we want to share the best knowledge and practices on a range of topics that we feel can help you build a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.
Episode 59: Top Nutrition and Fitness Myths, Part 3
With the amount of conflicting health-related information out there, it can be difficult to navigate what’s what when it comes to nutrition. That’s why in this episode, we’re breaking down the truth behind more common health myths. Where to Listen Apple Podcasts...
Episode 58: The Immunity Fix w/ Dr. DiNicolantonio: Optimizing the Immune System & Metabolic Health
The human immune system is crucial to good health, especially today with the prevalence of COVID-19.In this episode, Dr. James DiNicolantonio, a cardiovascular research scientist and doctor of pharmacy takes a deep dive into what he has learned about supporting immune...
Episode 57: Top Nutrition and Fitness Myths, Part 2
There are so many health and wellness myths out there that can make achieving a healthy lifestyle seem impossible. But it doesn’t need to be so complicated. That’s why we’re breaking down even more of the most common myths surrounding health and fitness. Where to...
Episode 56: Top Nutrition and Fitness Myths, Part 1
There are so many crazy nutrition and fitness myths out there, it can be difficult to know what’s what. That’s why in this episode, we’re breaking down 5 common health and fitness myths and the truth behind them. From dietary sodium intake to supplement needs,...
Episode 55: How to Set 2021 Intentions & Resolutions That Actually Stick
Now that 2020 is in the rear view and a new year lies ahead, it’s the perfect time to reflect on some goals you’d like to reach in 2021 and how you plan to achieve them. Whether your goal is health-related, business-related, or personal, many people tend to start the...
Episode 54: Eat Smarter w/ Shawn Stevenson
Food can be complicated, especially when you’re trying to improve your quality of health or lose weight. In this episode, Shawn Stevenson breaks down the science behind how food affects the human body and ways to optimize it to fit your goals. Where to Listen Apple...
Episode 53: How to Turn Actions Into Habits That Will Change Your Life
What you do every day is what really adds up to your goals and feeling your overall best. That's why it's so important to establish and maintain good habits. When you're trying to change your habits, the ability to make them stick is what will set you apart and propel...
Episode 52: Foods That Help Regulate Blood Sugar
Consuming a healthy, balanced diet is essential for all aspects of health, including optimal blood sugar control. So whether you have prediabetes, diabetes, or simply would like to lower your risk of developing these conditions later, it's important to know how you...
Episode 51: Lowering Your Risk of Prediabetes & Diabetes
Insulin is a key hormone when it comes to how your body functions. It can also play a huge role in diabetes, prediabetes, and many other aspects of health so it’s important to know how your body processes it. In this episode, we break down the difference between...
Episode 50: Scientifically Proven Ways to Increase Your Happiness
It’s perfectly healthy to let yourself feel a range of emotions. However, if you’re feeling down more often than not, there are some practical steps you can take to help brighten your mood. In this episode, we share some tools that can help you navigate times where...