Episode 39: Metabolism: Balancing the Focus between Calories & Hormones with Dr. Jade Teta
Show Notes
In this episode you’ll learn:
-About the quality vs quantity debate when it comes to nutrition
-That there is no hormonal formula for fat loss
-About why Dr. Teta compares the metabolism to a thermostat
-What the metabolism is and how it functions
-What Dr. Teta thinks the biggest hurdles are when it comes to losing weight in regards to metabolism
-That each metabolism is unique and what works for one person won’t necessarily work for another
-Why it’s key to understand how your metabolism works
-About what Dr. Teta calls structured flexibility
-The metabolism talks to us through biofeedback like hunger, energy, mood, etc
-What he tells his clients to listen for in terms of biofeedback (SHMEC/HEC- Sleep, Hunger, Energy, Mood, Cravings)
-Why stress is so important and how the body responds to it
-About why intermittent fasting doesn’t work for everyone
-That the hourglass shape/V shape is determined by hormonal balance
-That estrogen amplifies alpha receptors in certain areas of the body
-About the role that body shape plays in metabolism
-Why measuring shape change and how it can be helpful
-That intuitive eating and counting/tracking work together to create a flexible metabolism
-About the body’s starvation response and how it plays a role in metabolism
-That basal metabolic rates can quickly change and how it can affect SHMEC
-How calorie gaps play a role in metabolic health
-About some studies that examined metabolic health in post-menopausal women
-That walking is one of the only activities that simultaneously lowers your cortisol and sensitivities your body to insulin
-What EPOC is and the role it plays (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption)
-That walking naturally suppresses cravings
-About how saunas affect cortisol levels
-The difference between a fast metabolism and a flexible metabolism
-Ways to create a flexible metabolism
-About persistent organic pollutants (POPS) and how they’re excreted from our bodies
-Why it’s crucial to differentiate hunger vs cravings
-Why chicken and broccoli is a popular combo
-About the neuro-lingual response and how it affects hunger
-One reason why the ketogenic works for some people and not others
-Things that can help with muscle loss
-About the link between calories and hormones
-The importance of quality sleep and having purpose
Connect with @jadeteta on Instagram | Next Level Human podcast | https://www.jadeteta.com/
Connect with with Amanda here: @MeowMeix | MeowMeix.com
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